Transitions | A West Coast and Jasper art exhibition by artist Claude Boocock

500 Robson Street
June 1-30, 2021
Contact Karly Macdonald Ireland for a private viewing
780-931-7083, or visit


As a Jasper landscape and wildlife painter, spending this past winter on Vancouver Island generated many new discoveries.

These paintings were created from walks along Tofino & Uclulet’s shores, watching different cloud patters move ahead, the reflection of light on sand and water, and distinctive rock formations with their covering of seaweed, barnacles and mosses.

Prints left in the sand by bears, cougars and wolves attest to their shadowy presence, and one of these animals occasionally forages into town. Racoons are commonly seen.

While in Victoria, in need of a new challenge; I experimented with alcohol inks. This medium is very volatile, not to be controlled as with acrylics. This quality offers freedom and a looser creativity.

I hope that you enjoy viewing this latest collection both on-line, and if you desire a closer look, just contact Karly Macdonald Ireland at 780-931-7083 or We also hope that the Jasper Art Gallery will reopen mid-June.